It is evident to most that throughout the last seven years of the War on Terror there have been multiple errors on the part of our elected officials (WMDs, detainment and torture of prisoners, certain sections of The Patriot Act, unconstitutional suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, wire tapping, etc.).
You might remember that there are three branches of American government: Judicial, Legislative, and Executive. However, I believe there is a fourth: the branch of citizens. Our system of checks and balances is essential to the health of American democracy and our active citizenship is necessary for that to happen.
A great example of this check is the tireless efforts of attorneys who have intentionally entered into the legal questions (and cases) of prisoners being held by our government at Guantanamo Bay, logging thousands upon thousands of pro bono hours to correct the damage done to our judicial system through the War on Terror (see the article titled "Firm's unlikely client: Bin Laden's ex-driver: Seattle Lawyers taking on Bush, Guantanamo"). Another great example of citizen impact is changes that have been made in the original Patriot Act through reaction and protest to the legislation. These are just two examples of how citizens make an impact upon our governments practices.
The most basic aspect of being an active citizen (so as to perform our duty as a check upon our government) is to be informed. That's why I started this blog - so we can more effectively fight the War on Error. By knowing more about our government's actions and taking action against policy or practices with which we disagree we are fulfilling our duty as a check on our government while helping to improve and strengthen the system that should be for the people, by the people.
The Bush administration calls their policy a War and they are fighting with belligerent passion. Let us be encouraged to fight against the errors that have been committed in this war with the same zeal. It is our job as citizens to know what our government is doing and to take action to check the different parts of our government when they have moved beyond their boundaries.
As it is my area of study I will be posting articles mostly relating to The War on Terror and American policy in the Middle East. I try to check out a range of newspapers on a daily basis and will be posting articles that I think are important or of interest. I will also be putting up book reviews, personal reading recommendations, links and other media.
Let me know what you think - and until then, I encourage you to seek other ways to be a more active citizen and fight the war on error.
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