As you know there has been a lot of talk recently of military action in Iran. It's definitely a hot topic and one that brings cause for concern. US or Israeli military action in Iran would be catastrophic on many levels. Unfortunately there are many people who think that strong arming our way through this situation is the solution - a good number of them are our political representatives.
The Friends Committee on National Legislation is a Quaker lobby in DC that works to promote Peace in legislation. They are great :) Click here to check out their website.
They are working to encourage individuals to contact their house representatives about a bill titled H.CON.RES.362 (click on the link for details) which give the President permission to create a partial Land, Sea, or Air blockade on Iran - which by international law is considered an act of war. This is risky business and I seriously encourage you to go their web page to see if your rep. is on record as supporting the bill: List of Congress Representatives
If they are on the bill write to them (by clicking on this link, and typing in your zip code) to tell them you do not support this legislation and as a voting constituent they are not representing your wishes.
If they are not on record as supporting the bill write to them (by clicking this link, and typing in your zip code) to encourage them to keep their position and not give into pressure to support the bill - remind them again that you are their voting constituent and by voting NO on H.CON.Res. 362 they are representing your wishes in congress.
Writing to your representatives on issues that are important to you is a great way to create a relationship with them on a long term basis. Often representatives get no direct input from constituents about issues and so your words are important! Remember to keep it short and to the point - and always end your letter asking them to take action.
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