Well, I am confused as to what the Obama administration is trying to do with the peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. This article, like the stories from Le Monde, BBC and other news sites explains that the Obama administration has given up trying to convince Israel to freeze their settlement activities.
The phrase of explanation from Philip Crowly the State Department spokesperson is as follows: "After a considerable effort, we have concluded that this does not create a firm basis to work towards our shared goal of a framework agreement"
I am surprised that they did not choose a sentence that at least made sense so it was easier to swallow! "After a considerable effort" meaning, after offering everything possible under the sun to Israel (including never asking for a settlement freeze again, EVER), Israel's government still wouldn't agree to freeze settlements.
"...this does not create a firm basis to work towards our shared goal of a framework agreement" What I think makes this outrageous is that the sentence is made to sound as if the US has been trying to determine whether it is good or bad to freeze settlements. BUT that is not at all what has been happening for the last few weeks - the US has been lobbying Israel to continue the freeze because it is obvious even to Israel's biggest supporter that their settlement activity cannot lead to peace. I'm not one to argue for the moral character of governments but let me just say this flat out: Obama administration, have the guts to say you are backing down on settlements if that is what you're doing. Don't talk in the "we" about a decision that you had no part it, say it like it is, Israel didn't budge, we're trying something else. I sure hope that something else is worth while.
I would love your comments on this, other explanations of this? anyone?
Jessica I'm sorry to say the thing so gross. The reaction of the U.S. government does not surprise anyone in the world. The unconditional support of Israel and unfair at the expense of peace and human life has never ceased. Obama can do nothing, with all due respect I have for this character. The U.S. Congress includes within it a Zionist majority. Even if the opinion is contrary to Obama, he has no choice but to submit to the Congress. In other words, is what the whole world is watching: it is neither the U.S. nor the UN can call upon Israel, but the opposite. Proof: Israel brace of penalties. She behaves as though it had the world under his boot, and so, since it owns 80% (based on data I have) of the seats in Congress.
Americans should not wonder why their country is frowned upon, if we consider this situation.
Me, when I see Americans are like Jessica, I'm quiet.
Finally, for me the final solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may lie in the following:
- An area equal in size to the two countries,
- Distances on the Mediterranean coast must be equal for both
- And above all, Jerusalem should belong to the world, a kind of autonomous state (like the Vatican) to be administered by the United Nations.
Google translation. Original texte :
Je m'excuse Jessica de dire la chose de façon brute. La réaction du gouvernement des Etats Unis n'étonne personne dans le monde entier. L'inconditionnel et injuste soutien à Israël au détriment de la paix, et des vies humaines n'a jamais cessé. Obama ne peut rien, avec tout le respect que j'ai pour cette personnalité. Le Congrès des Etats Unis inclut en son sein une majorité sioniste. Même si l'avis d'Obama serait contraire, il n'a d'autre choix que de se plier au congrès. En d'autres termes, et c'est ce que le monde entier regarde : ce n'est ni les Etats Unis, ni les Nations Unies qui peuvent presser Israël, mais c'est le contraire. La preuve : Israël se contrefiche des sanctions. Elle se comporte comme si elle avait le monde sous sa botte, et c'est le cas, vu qu'elle possède 80% (d'après les données que j'ai) des sièges du Congrès.
Les américains ne doivent pas se demander pourquoi leur pays est mal vu, si on considère cette situation.
Moi, lorsque je vois des américains comme Jessica existent, je suis tranquille.
Enfin, pour moi la solution définitive du conflit israëlo-paléstinien réside peut-être dans ce qui suit :
- Un territoire égal en superficie pour les deux pays,
- les distances sur la côte méditerranéenne doit être égale pour les deux,
- et surtout, Jérusalem doit appartenir au monde entier, une sorte d'Etat autonome (comme le Vatican) qui serait géré par les Nations Unis.
Sofiane, je suis toute a fait d'accord avec toi (meme que je n'ai pas vu des figure pour la quantite de sieges au congres qui sont pro israelien). En faite la vrais raison de mon post etait pour exprimer le faite que je suis hors de moi que notre gouvernement continue de suivre cette politique. Mais je ne suis pas etonne que c'est ca la realite. Tu a bien explique la situation. Obama est trop pris par les relations interne aux pays de prendre des decisions differents. En faite, je trouve qu'ils n'y a pas assez de sources americaines qui montre le degre de leur desaccord avec la politique du gouvernement concernant Israel. Alors, j'essaie d'utiliser mon site pour exprimer exactement ca. Je suis ravi de voir ton commentaire car c'est rare de trouver des gens qui peuvent parler de cettte situation d'une facon calme et rationale. Tu a bien parle et ce que tu a dit est juste. Je suis fier de voir tes mots sur mon blog et j'espere que tu va continuer de poster dans l'avenir.
Sofiane, I completly agree with you (although I have not seen satistics about the number of congress persons who actively vote pro israeli). The real point of my post was to express the fact that I am outraged that my government continues to follow this policy. But I am not surprised. You explained the situation well. Obama is too caught up in domestic politics to make a different decision. I believe that there are not enough sources that show Americans who are truly against washington's special relationship with Israel. So I tried to use my post to express that. I am delighted to see your commentary, it is rare to find people who can express themselves on this issue in a calm and rational way. You spoke well and what you said was just. I am proud to see your words on my blog and hope to see more of your thoughts in the future.
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