Saturday, December 3, 2011

Isreal in the Middle East - Mondoweiss commentaries

Here are two posting from Mondoweiss, a site devoted to (in their own words) "covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective..." offering "alternatives to pro ideology as a basis for American Jewish identity" (About page)

This is a short but interesting commentary on Leon Panetta's remarks made in the last few d (He is the current US Secretary of Defense)about the need for Israel to "get to the damn [negotiation] table". The comments were made yesterday in a speech at the Brooking's Saban forum, which is an Israeli-American policy group. It seems to me that there are many people within the military, administration and wider government that recognize the truth that Israel is stalling and that an attack on Iran would not be in their real benefit in the long run.

Also check out this piece commenting
on the recent press conference held by the American Enterprise Institute (the most influential neoconservative and pro-Israeli think tank in the US) where their Vice President explains that Iran's use of nuclear weapons is not the real threat.

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